
Wednesday, April 27, 2011

What's happening

Here I am again. I finished my son's sweater and took it to him in October. While I was visiting him, my Mom had to go to the hospital so I came home as fast as I could. It was extremely windy and I was driving a full sized van so I had quite a struggle keeping on the road. Arrived home to bring my Mom home from the hospital and was told I had to take her to an infusion clinic daily to get a shot. I didn't think that would work very well but Medicare would not pay for the shot if it was done at home so I tried it. She kept getting weaker each day and on the second day she fell getting to the wheelchair and we had to call 911. Back to the hospital for 3 days and then to a nursing home for 6 weeks. When she came home from there, I stayed with her and my sister, sleeping in the living room. Mom has been in and out of the hospital and nursing homes since then.

To make a long story short, we decided I needed to stay with Mom 24/7 and I moved us both into another apartment at All Saints where she and my sister live. So here I am confined to an apartment taking care of Mom. We have Hospice coming in to help care for her and with their help, I believe we can keep her out of nursing homes and hopefully the hospital for a while. There is a lot more room in this apartment for Mom to move around with her walker and wheelchair since she has the master bedroom and bath. It was getting difficult for her to move around in the old apartment.

Sometimes life interferes and we need to put dreams on hold for a while. I still have my dreams and hope to get back to them in the future.

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